
The Best of Quarantine: #1- Host

  I love lists. And just like I love lists, I also love, and deeply miss, going to movies and getting totally lost in entertainment, leaving my troubles behind. I also love a fantastic tv series. A series that is so good it NEARLY clubs you into a concussion reality where your apartment is only hazy fuzzy background noise, while the story holds your attention squarely, like a hand gripping your face and you’re not mad about it in the slightest. Y es, you absolutely have my full and total attention. And somehow I don’t want you to let me go. I f   you’re reading this from the distant future, hello from the raging pandemic of 2020–2021 (please let the end be in 2021). If you’re reading this now, in the horrific present of 2021, you may be bored out of your mind, potentially turning to read shampoo bottles for the ever witty, yet semi-rare instruction, “C’mon, you know what to do with this bottle, baby! Why are you reading this? :) :) ❤” Those rogue copywriters at hip shampoo companies ar